terça-feira, 20 de julho de 2010

Sapato de salto alto.

Jeanne Antoinette Poisson

1746 – Inventam-se os sapatos de salto alto, denominados Luís XV. Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, marquesa de Pompadour (1721-1764) era amante de Luís XV. Bela, inteligente e culta, exerceu grande influência na política e na moda. Sua pequena estatura, porém, deixava-a inferiorizada frente às demais damas do seu tempo; somente em tamanho, está claro. Para preencher essa lacuna, idealizou os sapatos de salto alto, que começou a usar. A moda pegou, passando esses sapatos a se chamarem Luís XV, até nossos dias.

Nota: Este trabalho é o resultado de pesquisas realizadas pelo ilustre professor Elias Barreto e publicado pela Enciclopédia das Grandes Invenções e Descobertas, edição de 1967, volume 2, página 214. 

41 comentários:

Sonia Parmigiano disse...


Agradeço à Sra Jeanne, ainda bem que surgiu essa idéia...eu não saberia viver sem os meus sapatos, botas e sandálias de salto alto...rs

Ótima postagem meu amigo!!

Um grande beijo!!

Reggina Moon

Pena disse...

Brilhante e Sensível Amigo de bem:
"...Antoinette Poisson, marquesa de Pompadour (1721-1764) era amante de Luís XV. Bela, inteligente e culta, exerceu grande influência na política e na moda. Sua pequena estatura, porém, deixava-a inferiorizada frente às demais damas do seu tempo; somente em tamanho, está claro. Para preencher essa lacuna, idealizou os sapatos de salto alto, que começou a usar. A moda pegou, passando esses sapatos a se chamarem Luís XV, até nossos dias..."

Já registei.
Cada vez mais o admiro pelas intensas buscas e pesquisas que faz com significação desconhecida da maior parte das pessoas, incluindo eu, e que torna reais e preciosas na informação que dá de forma fabulosa aos seus visitantes.
Parabéns. Excelente investigação.
Abraço amigo de uma sincera amizade.
MUITO OBRIGADO pela sua simpatia no meu blogue que adorei.
Bem-Haja, perfeito amigo.
Gosto sempre de o ler.

andresa disse...

Ola Amigo
Quanto tempo,
Desculpe minha ausencia, mas meu trabalho esta consumindo todo meu tempo......

MAs assim que posso, dou uma corridinha para ca.....



andresa disse...

Ola Amigo
Quanto tempo,
Desculpe minha ausencia, mas meu trabalho esta consumindo todo meu tempo......

MAs assim que posso, dou uma corridinha para ca.....



Everson Russo disse...

E convenhamos,,,elas ficam maravilhosas neles...belissima invenção,,,abraços fraternos de bom dia pra ti amigo,,,fique na paz de Deus sempre.

Andreza disse...

Deixam sem duvidas elegantes...mas ao fim do dia...ai,ai,ai..rsrs.
Agradeço a visita,as palavras desfolhadas...será sempre bem vindo.
Bjks doce em teu ♥,Andreza.

Anônimo disse...

Não consigo usar muito alto não!

✿ Regiane ✿ disse...

Salto alto?
Ótima postagem sobre essa maravilha que é o salto alto.
A mulher fica mais elegante quando usa salto.
Feliz dia do amigo e tenha uma semana de muita paz.
Carinhosamente, Lady.

Mariana disse...

o salto alto é a nossa perdição.
adoro, mas é um alívio qd tiro...

Sonia Parmigiano disse...
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
Sonia Parmigiano disse...

Furtado querido,

"Eu poderia suportar, embora não sem dor, que tivessem morrido todos os meus amores, mas enlouqueceria se morressem todos os meus amigos!"

(Vinícius de Moraes)



Reggina Moon

Unknown disse...

Adorei conhecer a história do salto alto. Obrigada!

AMIGO é aquele que chega quando todos foram embora!!

Passando para deixar o meu abraço no Dia do Amigo!


Anônimo disse...

Sapato alto é sensual,eu gostei muito.
Feliz dia do amigo.

Clecilene Carvalho disse...

Lembrei-me de vc, então vim desejar feliz dia do amigo. Beijos no coração.

Carla Fernanda disse...

Olá! Feliz dia do amigo!! Não sabia desta informação. Muito interessante! Também adoro salto!

hiromon disse...




Obrigada pela visita..

estes momentos acontecem porque há gente linda como tu...


um beijão

Lu Nogfer disse...

Hummmm!Salto alto!Ainda bem que o inventaram!Amo!rs


Passo aqui hj meio apressadinha para desejar feliz dia do amigo e dizer que vou me ausentar mas passo vez ou outra pra lhe ver oK?


♪ Sil disse...

Você, é um dos amigos mais QUERIDOS que eu fiz aqui, acredite.

Um abraço Furtado!!!

Unknown disse...

Hoje eu não quero saber de um salto alto.
Se precisar suba as escadas, uma cadeira algo que possa ver os teus olhos, cara a cara...
Porque hoje, eu vim para te dizer que:

Alcançar um amigo, é sentir a vida de frente
Massagear sentimentos, abraçar a toda a gente
Imprimir gestos e fotografias, na tela da mente
Gostar sem porquês, uma razão que faz bem a gente
Olhar-se por inteiro, amar sem proconceito e gritar para o mundo ouvir:
Ser amigo é para sempre!

Obrigado por ser meu amigo...
Feliz dia do amigo!



Luci disse...

êe que saudade daqui Furtado.

Adorei saber mais sobre a origem dos sapatos .Ficou show teu novo lay.


Sônia Silvino (CRAZY ABOUT BLOGS) disse...

Boa noite!
Rosemildo querido!
Um presente para você, pois hoje é um dia muito especial!


Vinícius de Moraes

Tenho amigos que não sabem o quanto são meus amigos.
Não percebem o amor que lhes devoto e a absoluta necessidade que tenho deles.
A amizade é um sentimento mais nobre do que o amor, eis que permite que o objeto dela se divida em outros afetos, enquanto o amor tem intrínseco o ciúme, que não admite a rivalidade.
E eu poderia suportar, embora não sem dor, que tivessem morrido todos os meus amores, mas enlouqueceria se morressem todos os meus amigos !
Até mesmo aqueles que não percebem o quanto são meus amigos e o quanto minha vida depende de suas existências ...
A alguns deles não procuro, basta-me saber que eles existem.
Esta mera condição me encoraja a seguir em frente pela vida.
Mas, porque não os procuro com assiduidade, não posso lhes dizer o quanto gosto deles. Eles não iriam acreditar.
Muitos deles estão lendo esta crônica e não sabem que estão incluídos na sagrada relação de meus amigos.
Mas é delicioso que eu saiba e sinta que os adoro, embora não declare e não os procure.
E, às vezes, quando os procuro, noto que eles não tem noção de como me são necessários,de como são indispensáveis ao meu equilíbrio vital, porque eles fazem parte do mundo que eu, tremulamente, construí, e se tornaram alicerces do meu encanto pela vida.
Se um deles morrer, eu ficarei torto para um lado.Se todos eles morrerem, eu desabo! Por isso é que, sem que eles saibam, eu rezo pela vida deles.
E me envergonho, porque essa minha prece é, em síntese, dirigida ao meu bem estar. Ela é, talvez, fruto do meu egoísmo.
Por vezes, mergulho em pensamentos sobre alguns deles.
Quando viajo e fico diante de lugares maravilhosos, cai-me alguma lágrima por não estarem junto de mim, compartilhando daquele prazer ...
Se alguma coisa me consome e me envelhece é que a roda furiosa da vida não me permite ter sempre ao meu lado, morando comigo, andando comigo, falando comigo, vivendo comigo, todos os meus amigos e, principalmente, os que só desconfiam - ou talvez nunca vão saber - que são meus amigos!
A gente não faz amigos, reconhece-os."
Vários temas & um só coração!

Anônimo disse...

Meyda Tiffany lamps are one of the greatest creations [B][URL=http://www.tiffanysfree.com]tiffany[/URL][/B] under this label of luxurious lamps. These lamps are a statement of elegance [U][B]tiffany jewellery[/U][/B] and there is no mistaking their beauty. There is much enjoyment to be found in the [B]tiffany[/B] presence of these artistic light pieces.

Tiffany lighting first made its emergence on [B]tiffany engagement rings[/B] the scene in the 19th century and they popularity continues today as the beauty that has [U][B]tiffany & co[/U][/B] started so long ago continues to light up many homes in this country. Although, originals of this type [B][URL=http://www.tiffanysfree.com]tiffany[/URL][/B] of lighting are expensive and rare there are many reproductions that have [B]pandora[/B] passed down the look of the original handcrafted glass pieces.

Meyda Lighting is one of the two main [U]tiffany charms][/U] manufacturers for Tiffany. It is a leading player in the industry and is also [B]tiffany[/B] considered to be one of the oldest names in decorative lighting. They manufacture the popular Tiffany lamp [B]pandora bracelets[/B] as well as other styles of lighting

This company began by accident [B]tiffany earrings[/B] what Ida Cohen requested her husband, Meyer, craft a stain glass window for the kitchen of their home. Enjoying the process, this [U]pandora jewellery[/U] hobby soon evolved into a profitable business. This glass [B]pandora beads[/B] lighting d¨¦cor began to be professionally manufactured. Meyda [B]tiffany co[/B] Lighting was born from Meyer and Ida [B][URL=http://www.pandoraforyou.com]pandora bracelet[/URL][/B] and the rest is history.

While these products can be pricey, they offer high [B]tiffany pendants[/B] quality that is crafted using proven and tested techniques. But these [U][B]pandora bracelets[/U][/B] elegant light fixtures are an investment that is worth having in [U][B]tiffany london[/U][/B] any home or office. If you are looking for [U][B]tiffany earrings[/U][/B] a d¨¦cor that is truly unique and will [U]tiffany jewellery][/U] standout Meyda tiffany lighting should be a definite consideration. Every [U][B]tiffany pendants[/U][/B] single piece is created with a heart full of desire for absolute perfection in glass lighting. Even [U]pandora bangles[/U] amidst the many imitators out there, the real creations of Meyda can easily [U][B]tiffany[/U][/B] be spotted since they stand out in the quality and overall appeal.

Anônimo disse...

Trying to find an innovative and lucrative [B][URL=http://www.tiffanysfree.com]tiffany[/URL][/B] business? A business on sterling silver jewelries may just be the one you are [U][B]tiffany jewellery[/U][/B] looking for. It's never that too difficult to find reasonably priced Tiffany wholesale jewelry to get you [U][B]pandora[/U][/B] started on your way to being financially independent. The Internet is actually a good place [B]pandora[/B] to start. You virtually spend nothing to find the supplier you are seeking. No need to be technically knowledgeable to find [U]tiffany jewellery][/U] your valuable information, a simple understanding of how to operate the computer and use a reliable search [B]tiffany[/B] engine is all you need.

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Anônimo disse...

Tiffany's jewelry is world famous company and if [B][URL=http://www.etiffanystore.com]tiffany charms[/URL][/B] you cannot afford the actual jewelry there are a lot of Tiffany inspired jewelry to choose from. While Tiffany's [B]tiffany bracelets[/B] has produced some more affordable pieces like key chains and money clips [U]pandora bracelet[/U] for those wanting the elegant pieces without the price tag there are other options. Tiffany produces bracelets, rings, earrings [U][B]tiffany bracelets[/U][/B] and necklaces.

Besides the traditional Tiffany's style, the jewelry [B]tiffany jewelry[/B] comes in the traditional blue box and you can even find Tiffany inspired jewelry that [B][URL=http://www.pandoraforyou.com]pandora jewelry[/URL][/B] reproduces the Tiffany style down to the box. Tiffany jewelry is traditionally sterling [U][B]tiffany bracelets[/U][/B] silver as the Tiffany Company has produced a special blend of silver that is very strong [U]pandora bracelet[/U] and will last.

It is not a direct replica but it is inspired from the Tiffany style so [B][URL=http://www.etiffanystore.com]tiffany engagement rings[/URL][/B] many of the pieces are very similar to Tiffany. Some companies [U][B]pandora[/U][/B] may even produce direct replicas. The main difference between real Tiffany's jewelry [U]tiffany engagement rings[/U] and the inspired version jewelry is the price tag. They are just as beautiful [U][B]tiffany[/U][/B] and classic as the real ones but at much more affordable prices. If you aspire for [B]tiffany co[/B] a piece of Tiffany's then you should investigate Tiffany inspired jewelry.

Tiffany also offers men's jewelry and you can find Tiffany's inspired jewelry [B]tiffany[/B] from their men's line. There is a huge array of cufflinks available with two tone cufflinks, woven cufflinks and love knot [U][B]tiffany rings[/U][/B] cufflinks to name but a few. Other men's [U][B]pandora jewelry[/U][/B] jewelry include pendants, chains, heavy mesh rings, eternal cross pendants, dice key chains, golf [U]tiffany jewelry[/U] club money clip, sterling silver dollar sign money [U]tiffany[/U] clips and dog tag pendants.

Anônimo disse...

Trying to find an innovative and lucrative [B][URL=http://www.tiffanysfree.com]tiffany[/URL][/B] business? A business on sterling silver jewelries may just be the one you are [U][B]tiffany sets[/U][/B] looking for. It's never that too difficult to find reasonably priced Tiffany wholesale jewelry to get you [U][B]pandora necklaces[/U][/B] started on your way to being financially independent. The Internet is actually a good place [B]pandora jewellery[/B] to start. You virtually spend nothing to find the supplier you are seeking. No need to be technically knowledgeable to find [U]tiffany london][/U] your valuable information, a simple understanding of how to operate the computer and use a reliable search [B]tiffany[/B] engine is all you need.

Once you find your tiffany wholesale supplier, your quest [U][B]pandora jewellery[/U][/B] doesn't end there. You need to understand jewelry selling basics and selecting the styles that are most appropriate [B]tiffany charms[/B] for your niche market as well as having the eye for designs that will [U]tiffany bracelets][/U] most likely sell. You must also learn the tricks of finding out which jewelry pieces are [B]pandora[/B] of superior quality. There are an abundant source of suppliers for Tiffany wholesale jewelry, you just need [B][URL=http://www.pandoraforyou.com]pandora necklaces[/URL][/B] to have that discriminating taste in ensuring you get to the best source. In this business, if you start with low quality [U]tiffany engagement rings][/U] pieces, your business will suffer.

The key to a profitable and lucrative business is to build a [U][B]pandora jewellery[/U][/B] large customer base. In order for you to get customers to comeback you must be [B][URL=http://www.tiffanysfree.com]tiffany necklaces[/URL][/B] able to please them with the quality of your items as well as the attractiveness of your designs. Always find unique [U][B]tiffany uk[/U][/B] and stylish designs, you wouldn't want to sell everybody else is selling. If your pieces are just ok and plain you may have difficulty [U][B]tiffany jewellery[/U][/B] keeping faithful customers. Aside from having quality merchandise you [U][B]pandora bracelet[/U][/B] also should be pricing them reasonably, not too expensive but not too cheap. Always make [B]tiffany earrings[/B] your customers feel special in finding the best priced jewelries they [U][B]tiffany engagement rings[/U][/B] can find.

A good plan is definitely in order, plunging head on [U]tiffany & co][/U] into a business is like committing financial suicide. If you [B]pandora bracelets[/B] want your business to workout you need to sit down and make [U][B]tiffany uk[/U][/B] a list of what you need to do to achieve your main goal [U]tiffany bracelets][/U] of being the vendor of choice. A supplier of good quality Tiffany wholesale jewelries [U]tiffany][/U] should top the list, after all you shouldn't start any business if your [U][B]pandora necklaces[/U][/B] merchandise is not good at all.

Anônimo disse...

Tiffany's jewelry is world famous company [B][URL=http://www.tiffanysfree.com]tiffany jewellery[/URL][/B] and if you cannot afford the actual jewelry there are a lot of Tiffany inspired jewelry to choose [U]tiffany company jewelry[/U] from. While Tiffany's has produced some more [B]knockoff tiffany jewelry[/B] affordable pieces like key chains and [U][B]tiffany jewelry boxes[/U][/B] money clips for those wanting the elegant pieces without the price tag there are other options. Tiffany produces bracelets, rings, earrings [B]replica tiffany jewelry[/B] and necklaces.

Besides the traditional Tiffany's style, the jewelry [B][URL=http://www.etiffanystore.com]tiffany co[/URL][/B] comes in the traditional blue box and you can even find Tiffany inspired jewelry [U]authentic tiffany jewelry[/U] that reproduces the Tiffany style down to the box. Tiffany jewelry is traditionally sterling silver [U]tiffany jewelry boxes[/U] as the Tiffany Company has produced a special blend of silver that is very [B]tiffany company jewelry[/B] strong and will last.

It is not a direct replica but it is inspired from the Tiffany style [U]tiffany jewelry boxes[/U] so many of the pieces are very similar to Tiffany. Some companies may even [U][B]replica tiffany jewelry[/U][/B] produce direct replicas. The main difference between real Tiffany's jewelry and the inspired version [B]tiffany company jewelry[/B] jewelry is the price tag. They are just as beautiful and classic as the real ones [B]knockoff tiffany jewelry[/B] but at much more affordable prices. If you aspire for a piece of Tiffany's then you should [B][URL=http://www.tiffanysfree.com]tiffany & co[/URL][/B] investigate Tiffany inspired jewelry.

This jewelry can [U]replica tiffany jewelry[/U] be found in many places, in stores and online. You [U][B]best website to buy discounted tiffany jewelry[/U][/B] can search the internet to discover the companies in your [B]replica tiffany jewelry[/B] area that provide this type of jewelry. Their heart [B]authentic tiffany jewelry[/B] pendants are particularly popular. These floating [U][B]fake tiffany jewelry[/U][/B] heart pendants come in silver, gold and with crystals. They also [B][URL=http://www.etiffanystore.com]tiffany rings[/URL][/B] have the traditional Tiffany's circle of life pendant that resembles a [U]authentic tiffany jewelry[/U] circle of crystals on a chain.

Tiffany also offers men's jewelry and you can [B]knockoff tiffany jewelry[/B] find Tiffany's inspired jewelry from their men's line. There [U]tiffany jewelry boxes[/U] is a huge array of cufflinks available with two tone [U]buyers of tiffany jewelry sets[/U] cufflinks, woven cufflinks and love knot cufflinks to name but a few. Other [U]fake tiffany jewelry[/U] men's jewelry include pendants, chains, heavy [U][B]knockoff tiffany jewelry[/U][/B] mesh rings, eternal cross pendants, dice key chains, golf club money clip, sterling [B]buyers of tiffany jewelry sets[/B] silver dollar sign money clips and dog tag pendants.

Anônimo disse...

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When you obtain auto insurance rate evaluation charts, the particular quotations provided are based on the particular supposition you have the close to ideal driving record, no example of claim transaction; your vehicle has also the required safety features plus it will not figure within the list of the very most frequently taken vehicle models in the country. Your own usage can also impact the prices that you finish up paying out; in the end, if you barely generate your car for some kms each day, the probability of a good untowardly incident are usually greatly reduced. do mojej witryny Usually, nearly all additional health insurance plans can pay any where from forty percent to 80 percent of the cost of healthcare program requires such as vision, oral, hearing aids, psychologists, certain medical products, chiropractic specialists, podiatrists, and also healthcare when traveling out of the country. In order to at wellness plans, learn about like issues because: family coverage including children costs, personal insurance costs, limitations, what the plan addresses, protection concerning events, pre-existing problem problems, protection regarding professionals, what sort of state is usually paid out and exactly how much will be paid out, the amount of the particular deductible, regular price of the plan, kind of doctor prescribed drug insurance, does missing a payment lead to termination of the plan?, will the program protect dental plus eyesight?, etc . kamagra dysfunkcja There are many stuff that can be incorrect whenever leaving behind the country and those offering within HM Military going abroad frequently might excel to become prepared and make use of the unique plans available to them. Many people think that they do not need insurance due to the fact nothing will happen to them, but it is definitely better to become safe than pitiful. There is absolutely no method of telling whenever something unexpected will be held at like a lack of kit or individual belongings in transportation or even a car accident while away duty needing hospitalization if you choose not want the price to be a problem when it is not really being included in the Meters. O. Deb. link

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Prior to choosing a program from a private medical health insurance service provider, you should determine what your current insurance addresses therefore you choose what extra coverage you will need. As well, be sure you take a look at any kind of relegations in your present policy that will tell you what is not covered. The objective ought to be getting insurance coverage that will counter high price health care solutions. dodatkowy odczyt You will definately get an abundance of knowledge about insurance policy online for various purposes like life insurance coverage, general insurance, car insurance, house insurance, company insurance policy, building insurance, expert indemnity insurance policy in order to estimate several. Wiecej informacji Exactly where can you purchase PLPD Car Insurance? Thanks to technologies and the increase of the web shopping for a cheap PLPD insurance plan is never much easier. Comparing rates and shopping around was previously a pain. It all included making numerous telephone calls plus speaking with a fifty percent dozen sales reps plus insurance providers. Obviously additionally you had to listen to every sales person put in their particular two pennies System.Drawing.Bitmap a sales pitch. Luckily, moments possess transformed so you understand longer have to do points the particular old-fashioned way. You can now compare quotations and even buy PLPD car insurance right from the convenience of your own home. If it is your objective to find the least expensive cost possible for PLPD insurance coverage I recommend going online and going to an online insurance evaluation site. These websites can make your life easy. They are going to ask a person several basic questions like your zero code as well as the type of automobile you drive. After you have supplied these details the particular assessment web site provides you with a listing of the providers within your zip code with the minimum rates. After you have narrowed down your choice you can complete your own quote with all the service provider of your option plus finalize your own buy on-line or using a live representative. Wiecej informacji

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